You Should Make The Most Of LinkedIn
More than 75% of people aren’t accessing LinkedIn the way they’re supposed to. LinkedIn is more than just a place to plop your resume and it’s certainly not the social platform where you want to creat ...

SEO and Social Media Presentation Survey
This PowerPoint presentation explains the importance of Internet Marketing, how to use social media for SEO, and the key points to consider while promoting your brand online. SEO and Social Med ...

Facebook Bans Like-Gating: Here’s What Businesses Can Do
In June, we wrote 'Using Like-Gating Facebook Campaigns Can Hurt Your Business' article. Well now, like-gating will no longer be allowed on Facebook Pages effective November 5, 2014 (and August 7, 201 ...

The Main Differences Between Google+ and Facebook
There are huge differences between Google+ and Facebook. While keeping software updated to include new features and benefits and for a better user experience is necessary, Facebook seems to be upda ...

Using Like-Gating Facebook Campaigns Can Hurt Your Business
Like-Gating is when you force a Facebook user who has not already liked your Page to like your Page before they can see content on a particular custom tab. Like-gating your campaigns (sign-ups, contes ...

Best Practices for News Feeds Facebook Content
News feeds Facebook content is changing. Many brands and businesses were upset when Facebook announced their latest updates to its algorithm. News Feed is the constantly updating list of stories in ...

20 Ways To Let People Know About Your Campaign
What you do to promote your social campaign on your social media channels dictates how successful it will be. The old adage "If you build it, they will come", no longer holds true for campaigns. There ...

Foursquare For Small Business Owners Everywhere
Foursquare and Facebook have similar features for their check-in services, including free use for personal and business, however

Twitter Lead Generation Cards
Grow Your Email List with Twitter Cards Initially only available to big brands through Twitter advertising, the service is now available to all users. If you have a Twitter account you can get people ...

5 Facebook Updates
Facebook has been adding, removing, creating features for the social network. Here’s a rundown of the most recent