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12.13.22 in Small Business

7 Ways To Support Small Businesses Now and Beyond

7 Ways To Support Small Businesses Now and Beyond

When you support small businesses, it has a positive impact on the local economy. In addition to helping to stabilize the business, it also promotes job opportunities for community members.

Even though the pandemic was more two years ago, we are still transitioning the standard operating procedures back to normal. And the holiday season can be an optimal time for many small business to overcome financial challenges.

As a small business ourselves, we know this is an opportune time of year to encourage people to support small businesses. This is the season of giving. As such, a good time to think about how you can support your local small businesses.

Given these points, we hope our list below will inspire you to show support now and beyond!

7 Things You Can Do To Support Small Businesses Right Now

So, as a consumer, what can you do to support your local businesses now and beyond? Below are some ideas to get you started!

01. Tip A Little More Than You Usually Do

In general, the last couple of years has been tough financially for service and hourly workers. These employees have found themselves short on cash due to the steady flow of tips. Not to mention the added pressure of tasks because businesses struggled with staffing when they reopened.

If you’re in a financial position to tip more generously, it will go far for service workers. Some businesses will be offering discounts or free delivery. So, the money you would have spent on delivery could be added to your normal tip instead. Kitchen staff and delivery workers will appreciate the help. Plus, you’ll be doing your part to ensure that you can continue enjoying your favorite small business or restaurants.

02. Shop Local (In-Store or Online)

Nowadays, almost all businesses offer online shopping – your favorite local small business included! For the majority of the holiday season, consider shopping small. Or get a jumpstart on other upcoming occasions and holidays. Of course, you can always shop ‘just because’ also. Either way, you’ll be helping a small business get through tough times while also crossing things off your list. It’s a win-win for everyone!

03. Buy Gift Cards

You can never go wrong with gift cards. In addition to helping a small business, your recipient is guaranteed to like their gift. Why? Because they can buy it themselves! In fact, they can shop any time of the year or whenever for whatever they want. You can even purchase the gift card online at the small business website, saving you yet another errand.

04. Order Delivery or Takeout

Because they were restricted in how they could do business, restaurants were the hardest hit businesses in the last two years. But fortunately, many were able to pivot to offer online takeout or ordering options. Regardless how you decide to dine with your local restaurants, be considerate. After all, restaurants have undergone considerable challenges over the last few years. And your thoughtfulness will go a long way.

05. Leave a Positive Review Online

This one can be done from the comfort of your own home. Not only that, but it’s also completely free and only takes a few minutes. Additionally, it can be impactful and relevant regardless what time of year it is. Or what’s happening in the marketplace as a whole.

Small businesses depend heavily on reviews. The holiday season is a time where people look for new products/services to buy or try out. Therefore, an ideal time to hop on Yelp to share kind remarks about your experience with a local business. Of course, there are other platforms where you can write a review such as Google and Facebook. Don’t forget to also include beautiful photos of whatever you purchased.

06. Join Their Email List

One of the best ways to stay in touch with your favorite small business is through their email marketing newsletters. Obviously, this tells them that you want to hear from them and you’re interested in their products/services. Because there’s a real person behind each business, your signing up assures them that people support their work. Some small businesses also use SMS text messaging. So, if you’re less connected to your email, then sign up for their messaging program instead.

07. Spread The Word

Advocating for your favorite small business is often as simple as clicking ‘share’ on their latest social media post. After all, most people love a good recommendation. So, share their posts to your Facebook feed, Pinterest board, or Twitter account. If some of your followers make a purchase, then you’ve directly helped this business. And all you did was share your love for the business!

During the hustle and bustle of the holidays, don’t forget to support small businesses. But don’t just stop there, continue your support into the new year and beyond!

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