How to Use LinkedIn Beginner's Guide | Envisager Studio

LinkedIn: The Beginner's Guide

If you are ready to take your profile to the next level, then this how to LinkedIn beginner’s guide is for you. Launched in 2003, LinkedIn is the social network for professionals across all industries worldwide. Today it’s an extensive, thriving social network, growing at a rate of two new users per second. With its mobile site accounting for 41 percent of its traffic, it’s a notable network to be a part of.

Still think LinkedIn is just a glorified resume site? You will be pleasantly surprised to learn that it’s so much more than that. In fact, the site now has features that allow agencies and entrepreneurs to bid on projects. So if you don’t yet know how to use LinkedIn, as a beginner you should start learning now.

There are a multitude of reasons why businesses and industry professionals should join LinkedIn. For example, to build and increase your referral base, and for exposure and reputation growth. But to be successful on LinkedIn, you first need to make yourself findable. And this guide is about that and much more.

Download this free LinkedIn guide for beginners and learn:

  • Basic setup and usage
  • How industry professionals use LinkedIn
  • What LinkedIn can do for your business